MANILA, NOVEMBER 6, 2010 (STAR) PERSPECTIVE By Cherry Ballescas (The Freeman) - It is just the 5th month of P.Noy's presidency and the Filipino voters who elected him may wish for him to be given some leeway for blunders and more time to correct these.
However, where the interests of the Filipino people, of the present and succeeding generations are concerned, P.Noy needs to be reminded urgently, sooner than later, about his pact with the people, about his pact with the Lord.
Three recent developments, P.Noy's stance concerning the Visiting Forces' Agreement (VFA), about GMA's pork barrel, and about Robredo to be transferred from DILG are very alarming in terms of their great impact on our people and our country, across generations.
The review of the VFA is a very crucial matter for us all as any decision will affect the sovereignty as well as security of our people and our country. While P.Noy's move to have a review of this very important agreement is welcome, we are disturbed and join all others who are similarly concerned about his decision for the VFA review to be handled by his close friend, Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa.
For sure, Ochoa has credentials that P.Noy believes in. However, given the crucial importance of the agreement, we join the call for P.Noy to have the review be handled and managed by a team that is very knowledgeable about the VFA and has the proper sentiments protecting the interests of the Filipino people. Surely, P.Noy can find veterans and experts in government (in the House and in the Senate, in the judiciary, in other departments, Foreign Affairs) or in the academe or even the private sector who have demonstrated their deep knowledge and nationalist sentiments related to the VFA?
A comprehensive VFA review needs to include the matter of reexamining the need for the VFA itself and must be conducted involving all branches of government, not just the Executive and must be done in close consultation with the Filipino people.We all need to pray for God to enlighten P.Noy about this particular issue, as well as his over-all governance goals and style.
Like the the review of the VFA which was one of P.Noy's campaign promises, the review or abolition of the pork barrel was also an urgent issue that millions of Filipinos hoped P.Noy would honor upon his election.
Sadly, his spokespersons are now justifying not only the huge pork allocations given to members of Congress but even GMA's additional billion-worth of pork! Goodness, what happened to P.Noy's pact with the Filipino people? Why does he seem to have given in to the pressure/advice from advisers and officials who cannot seem to remove the pork barrel mentality from their governance framework?
Was P.Noy persuaded to continue the pork barrel and even to justify the increase, including that of GMA's pork allocation, by party-mates for the sake of "buying" the votes of those in Congress for the easy passage of necessary bills needed by the new administration? Goodness, did P.Noy not promise reforms and non-corrupt government when he campaigned? How can they justify giving out these huge pork barrels when the nation, our people especially the needy need steady, amply food supply, jobs, houses, schools, among others?
And finally, P.Noy announced that Robredo has to leave the DILG and be transferred elsewhere. Of course, wherever he may be assigned, our people can be assured that Robredo will bring his sterling style of public service and performance. However, why is he the one to be transferred, not Puno who is hounded by so much intrigues and blunders?
When did the P.Noy government for the Filipino people get transformed into a government for Kaibigan Inc. and Party Inc. and public service and performance replaced by friendship and loyalty?
We prayed to God to send us a leader who can bring our nation beyond corruption and immoral governance. P.Noy is certainly different from those tainted by much corruption and immoral, insensitive governance.
Yet these present developments are certainly disturbing in that these new decisions and pronouncements seem to indicate P.Noy's prioritizing others other than those he originally made a pact with before election, with God and with our people.
Chief News Editor: Sol Jose Vanzi
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